Depressed and ready to give up 😢

Brianne • Married, trying for baby #1!

Hubby and I have been TTC for 2 years now. We started seeing a fertility specialist back in March....

I had an HSG done and it shows a blockage on my right side. My fertility doc has done multiple ultrasounds and has said that my left ovary looks slightly polycystic, my uterine lining is incredibly thick and that I may have a polyp on my uterus. I also have a low ovarian reserve, and do not ovulate on my own.

Doc put me on progesterone to force a heavy period to help shed the lining... I took progesterone (oral AND injections) for 3 cycles, and it had very little affect on my cycles (light bleeding during AF). The 4th cycle finally was heavier. It did not completely shed my lining, but it did help considerably. I’ve been going in frequently for blood work and while my progesterone levels have increased, they are much lower than they should be.

I did my first round of clomid last cycle. AF was due yesterday. I went in for blood work to check progesterone levels, and it shows that the clomid did not work. AF still has not shown up and it is frustrating because I don’t even have to take a pregnancy test to know I’m not pregnant.

I’m so ready to give up, and we haven’t really been “trying”.

I don’t know what to do anymore 😢😢😢😢

Also, I cry constantly and I don’t know how to stop.