

I was terrified to give birth. I postponed getting pregnant because I was so scared.

On a beautiful Thursday afternoon me and my husband decided to go take a walk with our two dogs. (40 w and 5 days) coming back I felt like my blood pressure was off. I could feel my heart pounding and had the worst headache.

Once home I sat down and relaxed, it didn’t go away. So we headed to labor and delivery triage (so glad we have this at our hospital). They monitored me fir 1 1/2 hour said every thing was fine.

I had my regular check up the day becore so At that point I knew I was 5 cm dilated but I didn’t have contractions AT ALL. My doctor insisted to check my cervix.. when I layed down for her to check me a part of my water broke. 😅 since i didn’t have any contractions she let me go home. I had to come back whenever my contractions would start and if they didn’t start, come back the next day at 7. So we left, went to aalmart to geab bagels and cream cheese (pregnancy craving lol)

We slept tge whole night. Went to the hospital the next morning. I still didn’t have any contractions so since they were super busy they told me to walk around.

11 comes around, they have a room ready for us, they were planning on inducing me. So my doctor breaks what was left of my water and tells me to order myself lunch because it’s gonna be a long day. I’m still 5 cm dilated, NO CONTRACTIONS AT ALL. Doctor leaves to go home, my nurse leaves for lunch and my husband quickly goes downstairs to grab lunch.

Within that 10 minute timeframe I went from having no contractions at all, to feeling them so bad I had a hard time breathing.

My nurse comes back 1/2 hour later, super suprised at how much pain I’m in. She checks me and I am now 8 1/2 cm open. I beg for the epidural, he gets to me at around 12:30. By that time I am 9 1/2 cm open. I get the epidural, within 10 minutes I feel so relieved. I start pushing at 1:45, following my husband counting. At 3:08 I had my daughter layjng on me.

It was quick and amazing. R