Miscarriage or Period

I have never had a miscarriage nor do I have family or friends that I feel okay to talk about this with so do not judge what I've posted because you may have had one. Not being rude but I have not ever had one so I do not know what it's like and this is the first time I've had clots like this!

It started two months ago when I had my last period. My husband and I worked hard last month to not miss ovulation. Last month I missed my period so when today came I updated my app and ovulation day changed but we still happened to BD on that day. Yesterday as I washed my down there area I noticed what looked like snot in my wash cloth. Didn't pay it no mind other than my best friend sent me a picture of mucus plug right before she went into labor with my nephew. So this morning I woke up in the worst pain and was bleeding a lot more than my normal periods. Around 7 I went to sit on the toilet because my cramps make me feel like I have to poop but this time I really had to sit on the toilet so that's where i went. My husband called me on the phone and while I was on the phone with him I was focusing too hard and felt this come out and it was the weirdest feeling ever. I got emotional because I didn't and don't know what it could be and the ER is the last place I want to be at the moment. Maybe some of you have seen this before. Could you help me out. Is it miscarriage or clot? My husband and I want a baby so bad. And these things freak me out and I freak him out when I freak out.

I look too hard sometimes and think too hard. Looks like a baby a cord and the placenta. Or is that just me. Please help mostly looks like a clot though but idk

This was on top of the clot/babylookingthing.