Throw the whole husband away...


Like I seriously want to. I'm tired of being ignored all the time. He's on his phone 24/7. He wakes up and that's the first thing he grabs. All day he's either playing a game on his phone, on Facebook or texting/fb messenger. Sometimes he's doing all the above at the same damn time. I've tried letting him know how I feel but he claims the phone calms him. So then why are you married? Why have we been married 8 years if your phone "calms" you more than me?! I'm so tired y'all. He's not affectionate whatsoever. We don't go on dates. We don't kiss other than a peck when he leaves for work. He can't even watch a movie with our 7 year old for family night or eat dinner without being on his phone. I'm so over it. Tired of crying. Tired of my heart literally hurting over this and him. I'm just tired.