A note to self

Do not fall in love with the foster kittens

Me: ok

Do not fall in love with foster kittens

Me: has named and given them collars

Do not get attached to foster kittens

Me: sleep with them in bed

Do not get attached to foster kittens

Me: too late there mine now


Now for the back story

I got 2 kittens a few months back after losing my own kitten to an accident wile cleaning. Well our house felt empty after my kitten tigger died and about a month after his death we were presented with a situation that was an emergency. While driving down the road we saw someone throw a bag out of a window. My husband and I looked at each other and the bag was moving. So we Stopped in the middle of the road and opened the bag in side were 2 little black kittens. They looked okish aside from being thrown from a car they were ok. So we took them home and had originally planned on fostering them. One boy and one girl ( the boy is venom and the girl is carnage) and we tried not to fall completely in love but our home finally felt like home for the first time in a long time. Now my husband and I just cant give them up. They are no longer up for adoption. They are our babies.