This past year ...

This past year I fell in love with someone who I thought I’d spend the rest of my life with. We built a life together, spent holidays together, tried to conceive for 7 months together. All for him to turn his back on me and disappear. I believe everything happens for a reason- I will meet the love of my life someday but currently questioning why he’s done this to met. Why is he causing me so much pain. I’ve done nothing but love and respect this man- I held it down. Period.

His birthday is coming up in 4 weeks and mine a week after. It gives me anxiety to think we won’t be celebrating together. He’ll probably be with some chicks entertaining him for his 30th while I celebrate my 26th with some close friends.

It hurts the most when trying to sleep. Why is he doing this to me. On the bright side, I have a whole future ahead of me and a whole new year of my life to celebrate and grow. It’s time to do this myself (regardless how Much it’ll hurt) I need to move on.