Unsure about this pregnancy


So, i need some help. In feb i had a miscarrige at 11 weeks. This month i found out that i am pregnant again. Of course i was happy at first but last saturday i starded bleeding. It was brown at first but for the past few days it has been pink en sometimes red. I called the docter en they give me medicine for a infection and tested if i had cystitis. Fortunatly that was not the case. The medicine ( its like a capsule you put inside at night en it releases some kind op creme) burned like hell and since that day i starded bleeding pink. So i went to the ob yesterday. She wasnt really worried about the blood because im not cramping that bad and its not that much.

Okey, so i geuss thats not that bad, but than she did a ultrasound and she couldnt find that much only some tisseu that could meen that something is in there. I should be 5,4 today. She told me it looked like im 4 weejs. Thats not possible right? The test was possitive at 3,3 weeks. I am soooooo scared that it is not oke and that im getting some bad news next thursday.

Please help me ease my mind because i cant stop crying... im just so scared!