Admitted and off to a rocky start 😓


Came in to l&d to get checked since I was having consistent and extremely painful contractions. As soon as we got here and they hooked me up to the monitor before even being admitted just in the little triage room the nurse starts calling all kinds of people in the room saying baby’s heart rate is decelerating. She starts telling me about an emergency c section if his heart doesn’t A bunch of people come in and I wind up with an oxygen max, broken waters, monitor on babies head and a shot to stop my contractions. It takes them like 5 tries to get my iv in. Oh and I’m only 3cm dilated. Then they wheel me over to a real room and whatever they gave me to stop my contractions has worn off. They’re inserting a Catheter up by baby’s head that measures his fluid and my contractions I believe? That sucked. I decide to get the epidural and it took the anesthesiologists twice to numb me and twice to get it in. I get a catheter put in and she checks me as we’ve been here for about three hours at this point and I’m still only 3 cm dilated. Now I’m on pitocin and the nurse estimates I’ll be ready around 5 pm tomorrow 😑 my plan coming in here was to go all natural. Everything has been so painful and scary so far. 😥

Update! Ended with a bang! A few hours after being only 3 cm dilated and on the pitocin I was a 7 and a few hours after it being shut off I was a 9 1/2 and ready to push! I took about an hour and a half or so to push and they said it was textbook lol no tears whatsoever!

Such a rocky start turned out okay and I’m obsessed with this boy 🥰