I don't know....


... Why I'm writing this post up, but I just have so much on my mind. I've known for a while now that I'm having a smaller baby and my induction is this week. I'm a ftm, my husband needs a visa to be here with me and the process hasn't gotten anywhere so I'm having baby alone. Today my midwife told me to be prepared for baby to have to stay in the hospital for a few weeks if he's got any issues feeding, and if not he can come home with me. She also mentioned induction would be a lot more painful and longer than natural birth and especially since I'm a ftm and will only be 38w, so that didn't make me feel any better. Every average weight baby I see leaves me wishing my baby was measuring on track as well so I could deliver naturally and have a little less on my mind. I don't know, I'm just a mess right now.