Implantation maybe?

This morning I woke up from my sleep (dreaming real good) because of a horrible cramp that lasted a few mins never happened before but it was one of those painful ones that you get right before period starts dropping on your underwear lol. Woke me up 10 mins before my alarm, and I laid there thinking oh mannn my period started earlyyyy I was like for a fact convinced it started. Welp it DID NOT. Iv had on and off cramps all morning like its going to start.. I still have 3 days before AF. My first pregnancy I tested with a digital”pregnant” not pregnant test 3 days before af and it was negative, of course that was before I knew pink dye test existed lol got a positive on 14 dpo. So I might be one of the few that implant late, could the cramps I’m feeling be implantation? Took this test this morning but idk....