Finding out gender? Why or why not?

Sarah • 35yo — TTC child #2. Living with the struggle of long wonky cycles.

Hey guys! Just wondering how many of you are finding out the gender of your little nugget, or waiting to be surprised, and your reasons why 😊.

I’m curious, because I’ve always thought that I didn’t want to know. I LOVE surprises, and this seems to be the most exciting of them all! But my SIL said something that got me thinking. She’s very sweet and supportive and wasn’t trying to sway my decision. She was just giving me some insight from when she was pregnant with my niece, and this one thing she said stuck with me. Her and my brother did not find out the gender ahead of time, and she confided that she had a difficult time feeling connected with the baby before birth, since she wasn’t able to attach a gender or name to the little one. She said she would have felt much more excited and connected if she were able to talk to the baby in her belly as an individual instead of a mystery.

This really resonated with me, especially since I’ve been so stressed and overwhelmed with all the changes that happen to be going on in our lives right now (selling our old home, buying a new home, moving, starting a new job soon and worrying about breaking the news to my boss, extra finances, trying to coordinate new health insurance and new obgyn, etc). So I’ve had a bit of the pregnancy blues. And although my husband and I have been wanting a baby, I’m disappointed that my excitement seems to be dampened and I don’t feel connected yet to my little nugget. I love surprises, but wonder if finding out may actually be better for us.

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