Please tell me I’m not a freak

I have breast changes constantly.

Uh, let’s take it week by week because it’s not an over night thing. I have ran this by my SO and he also notices all of these changes. One week I’ll look at my boobs and one will be smaller than the other so I’ll be lopsided and then the next week, they’re even again. They’ll also shrink, grow, shrink and so on.

I’ll notice my areolas are darker and bigger and then the next week they’ll be lighter and smaller. It all goes back and forth, they’re always changing. I am 22, very close to 23. I have never had kids. I am definitely not pregnant. This has been going on for years, since I started growing breasts. I thought that when puberty stopped that this would stop but no I have shape shifting titties and my friends don’t have this issue so I’m wondering if im a freak. I’m thinking, maybe it’s all due to my cycle and the different hormones throughout and maybe I just pay very close attention to my breasts. I was taught to, because breast cancer runs in my family. I am not on birth control.