Why me???


9 years and 10 months of no birth control or anything and 3 years of opk testing and trying I did take a year off because I left my abusive ex and remarried and still no baby. I thought for sure this was going to be our month but no af showed up today and now another month of trying again and it seriously bothers me because I have a pos brother who has 5 kids 3 different moms and doesn't take care of them and his first kids mom has 5 kids 5 different dads and not custody of one and I can't even have another baby. I was blessed with a daughter 11years ago and she's wanted a sibling so bad and then I see all these post about praying their not pregnant or asking about abortion like seriously??? Women are dying to have a baby out here and on here and we have to see this? Sorry not sorry I just needed to vent because obviously I'm hurting right now.