i know this is selfish but i really dont care

i’ve been fakin a smile for way to long instead of showing what’s actually wrong and realizing and admitting that i have a problem and i need to fix it. it’s unhealthy to keep everything bottled up inside of you like that and i’m done with it. i’m done faking a smile and it hurts to much to fake it any longer and i’m sick of trying. i’m beautiful. i’m not gonna let anyone say that i’m not. i’m gonna live my life i want to live it the way God intended it from the start. happy. imma cry and imma scream until i can smile again. i’m done crying over guys that waste my time. i’m done crying to sad love songs. i’m done being sad about shit i don’t need to be sad about. i’m better than that and if he can’t see that than that sucks for him because damn. i’m fucking amazing and he doesn’t deserve me. i’m done saying i’m fine when i’m not fine and i’m done listening to you lying to me about how much you care about me. don’t lie to me. don’t be fake. if you got a problem with that than speak now or forever hold your peace bc this bitch dont care.