so this is me.. with anxiety.

this is what i look like. you wouldn’t really expect anyone you look at to have anxiety. but anxiety ruins people’s life’s. i myself suffer from anxiety and have since i was 11. i am now 17.

because of my anxiety i am unable to do most things like, ride a bike in public places, eat in public places, talk to people, be around big crowds and things like that. it really sucks knowing that i’m not the only one out there, many people suffer from anxiety but not many people realise that.

and also, because of anxiety, i can’t get my nails done, i can’t give things to people or shake anyone’s hand because anxiety results in me biting my nails

that’s a picture from my nails last week. some people probably think it’s “disgusting” and “unnatural” but it’s one of my ways of relaxing myself and even releasing anxiety. it might be disgusting to you but i am proud of how far i have achieved, even with anxiety :)

if you suffer anxiety and need help, either message me on snapchat (marie_searle) or speak to someone, just know you’re not alone❤️