Hair loss tips PLEASE


Hi everyone. Okay so I really need some tips or advice on hair loss/thinning. I’ve noticed for the last year my hair has seriously thinned out which saddens me because my hair used to be one of my favorite things about myself. There’s so many factors like:

1. Genetics - my mom’s side has a history of hair loss but only after childbirth and I’ve definitely never had a child but I guess I have a genetic predisposition to it.

2. Hormonal imbalance - I’ve been on birth control since I was 15 to treat my endometriosis and re-started my birth control about a year ago so maybe it’s this? I don’t know but I’ve completely gotten off of it about two weeks ago because I can’t take this anymore.

3. Vitamin deficiency. I went vegan last June and never took any supplements before I was vegan, so definitely didn’t take any after. I started the “ritual” vitamin (instagram brand) around 3 months ago, and biotin, spray b12, and zinc a few weeks ago so it definitely could’ve been this.

4. Color treatment. I went from brassy brunette to honey/ash blonde over the course of a year as well. I’ve given myself a little break because of the damage on the ends but I never thought it’d make my hair thin out.

I don’t have bald spots or patches of hair missing- I think it’s general hair loss. This is killing me though. Some of you guys might think I’m overreacting but my hair is my hair. I loved it and losing my hair is making me depressed. Below I attached before and after pictures. The one in the green is the after picture and me a few months ago. You can definitely notice thinning as in both pictures all of the hair I have is pulled forward. Please help me and give me advice on products, brands, or home remedies please throw them my way.