He's finally here


On Wednesday morning I was having the worst menstrual like cramps. Constant back to back contractions. Decided to go in to L&D after taking daughter to daycare.

They checked my cervix at 845 and I was 3cm and 80% effaced. I walked the hospital a little and bounced on a ball since they wont admit until 4cm. When they checked again I was at 5cm.

Got to a room around 10am. And was begging for epidural at this point...contractions were every minute for a minute. After the epidural things slowed a little. I was 7cm dilated at 2pm. By 335 I was fully dilated and ready to push. 15 seconds, 3 big pushes and he was here!

Tiny little guy at 5lbs 8oz, 18in long but absolutely perfect