Help! I've tried everything!


My son is 21 months old. And he has the chicken pox! Hes had them for over a month. And hes been to the ER twice. He got diagnosed with a type 2 infection on to is back

They gave him antibiotics and antibiotic cream . I did the full antibiotic and ive used all the cream. His back sort of healed.. But he keeps getting big bumps all over him. Even all in his scalp. Ive tried everything oat meal baths Benadryl, motrin, & Baking soda. Ive tried it all!! I need some advice. The doctors keep telling me it'll go on its own. But it hasn't. I feel like hes getting more and more every day.

Its got to the point to where ive taped socks to his hand.. I dont know what else to do. Ive ran out of options!! 😩