Idk what to do


So today I got a call about a job I applied for months ago. They scheduled an interview for the 17th of this month. I’ll be 26 weeks pregnant at the time of interview. I really want to work because I don’t want to depend on my boyfriend of 6 years. I want to be able to bring in an income. I’ve worked before but since I got pregnant I quit cause I was very sick at the beginning of my pregnancy. But what are the chances of me not getting hired considering I will soon be 7 months pregnant? Not to mention it’s a county jail but the pay is good. Our minimum wage here is 7.25 but of course at the jail it’s not that. It’s just when you get a job like that in my area it’s such a good thing if y’all know what I mean. Idk if to go or will it be too hard on me since I’m pregnant then I’ll be giving birth in October will have to take time off. Idk what to do 😭