My baby boy was born July 7th 💕


I thought I would share my story since things have calmed down now. My little boy is 5 days old and is sleeping calmly next to me. I liked reading the little birth stories on here when I was pregnant.

At 2am on July 7th my water broke. It was just punctured so it was so weird. I woke up and was like did I pee myself? I went to the bathroom and more came out. I thought to myself maybe my water broke but I'm not sure so ill go back to bed and see if it gets worse. Right when I lay down a huge gush came out! I ran right away to the bathroom yelling at my husband to wake up.

Got everything ready and headed to the hospital. We had just went to bed at 12am that night so no sleep for us!

My husband was freaking out the whole way there where I'm all calm and eating because I know they wouldn't let me when I got there and hes literally goes "How the hell are you eating right now?!!" And I continue to talk until he tells me to "to please stop talking so he can concentrate on driving" LOL.

At the hospital they confirm my water broke and hooked me up. I was only dilated to a 1cm 😭. After an hour of nothing I was given pitocin (Fuck this stuff) which made my contractions painful AS FUCK but didnt seem to regulate them. I was having two to three at a time.

I felt so gulity but was given the pain medication that they can give you before your eligible for the epidural. (I'm a big baby with pain but the nurse also said the pitocin makes it way worse.

At 2-3cm dilated they agreed to give me the epidural. (Super early) and the doctor told me he didn't expect me to deliver that day.

1 hour later my babys heart rate kept dropping and I was feeling a lot of pressure. Along with my blood pressure going super low. It was making me nervous. I tell my sister about the pressure and she gets worried that I hadn't been checked. We tell the nurse who doesn't wanna check me much because of my water breaking and chance of infection. 1 hour later... She checks me and I'm 10 cm dilated!! The pressure and his heart rate dropping was because he was trying to come out, you could already see his head! I went crom 2-3 cm dilated to 10 in like 2 hours (probably less because she didn't check me until then)

Pushed for 45 mins. It was painless due tl epidural and very smooth and easy for me 😁.

Caden Charles was born at 2:26pm on 7/7/2019 weighing 8 pounds 0.5 oz and 20 inches long.

He was due July 5th and came just 2 days later.

My lucky baby.

He has beautiful dark hair like his Daddy and looks exactly like this twin.