But only God

Yesterday my boyfriend got fired from his truck driving job. He was trying to get back on the right track from a minor accident. He admitted he made a mistake and this was a first. We wanted to go home for the fourth but the company just made excuses about not having anything going east so everyday we kept asking because we wanted to go home and relax. They had us drive to Phoenix, Arizona so he could do some classes and fix his safety score. Not once did they mention that he was getting fired. Not only that but they were only getting him a ticket back to Texas and I’d be SOL and homeless in Phoenix, Arizona. I think it was unprofessional of them to not have the decency to let him go in his home state. Thankfully he had a cousin in Phoenix that got us a hotel for the night. My mom gave me $130 to add to the money we had for my ticket and food early this morning. I didn’t want to ask my mom for money because she was going on a trip to Mexico with her friends this week. We didn’t have a card because we haven’t been home to get them so we asked his mom if we sent her the money if she could purchase the bus ticket since it turned into an e ticket. She got the ticket and his dad ordered us an Uber. In all of this we had to rehome our dog. We gave her to the cleaning lady who rescues dogs so ruby will be loved. We sold our tv and his headset for some cash. None of this would’ve happened without a miracle from God. I’m truly thankful for the people he has in our lives.