10 days


Ok. I’m officially becoming frustrated with my ovaries. I am 10 days late and tired of the nausea/vomiting, cramps, fatigue and the not knowing!

My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for 11 months now. I am 21years old and he is 22. When we started we expected it to happen in no time, but that wasn’t the case. When we had gotten married we already had plans to get pregnant and start a family. Now 11 months later after praying every night and having lots of sex I’m 10 days late for my period. Only I got a BFN! TWICE!! I made planes to see my doctor next week for some tests but I was really that I would have already been positive. Does anyone have any real reasons I could be so late but still getting a BFN? Just lots of curiously and don’t want to talk to my mother about it rn (I want to make my being pregnant a big surprise since it would be her first grand baby)