Baby Girl nearly suffocated


This happened last night at around 1.30am. If I wasn't such a light sleeper I would have woken up to her dead. I randomly woke up to the sound of her jerking her arms frantically against the bassinet fabric and this unusual sound of help from her and her struggling to breathe. I picked her up trying to quickly clear her airways while she is struggling to breathe for a few minutes.

My husband finally got her to vomit and just calm her down. Now everytime she sleeps I'm just anxious and stressing if that will happen again. The last time I had fed her was at 9.30pm.

I went to the doctor today and was told that it's just reflux and its common. But if I didn't notice at that moment something real bad would have happened. Is there anything I can do so this doesn't happen again? I'm so scared