Is it too soon to say "I love you"?


Hi guys!! I've been dating someone for over four months now!! We haven't properly told each other we love each other and stuff!! We did accidently but that was on our first month of dating in the heat of the moment and it was a bit awkward afterwards but anyways!! I just have the strongest urge to say it now? It just pops into my head to say in the most natural moments like when he walks me to my car at night while we're parting ways and makes sure I got to my car safely and when we cuddle and other moments? But is it too soon? Am I the only one who wants to say it or hear it? His actions are so caring and loving but I want to hear him say it??? My birthday is coming up soon and I told him I wanted something really specific and I've been hinting at wanting to hear him say it to me but I don't want to force him either so I'm not super duper obvious either!! Should I bite the bullet or should I just wait for him?