Got out for the first time ! And it ended in skunk spray ! Lol ( long read )


Well I decided to get out for a late night drive with my sister wile hubby and baby went ahead to bed ( I use to go for drives with her all the time randomly cause we are both night owls ) well all was good got to talk a bunch and drive around with the windows down enjoying the nice night :) then as she was heading to drop me off at home we see a skunk up ahead on the road so we slow down to give it time to cross the road ( no other cars out as it was 4am ) as we slowly get closer we notice it’s not getting off the road it’s coming towards the car witch is odd normally they run away so once the headlight hit it we see he has a jar stuck on his head! So we pulled over and with out hesitation my sisters jumps out and try’s to pull this jar off his head ! Assuming she could just pull it and run back to the car but NOPE it was stuck so I jumped out and tried to pull it off his head and it was really stuck so we tried a few more times pulling hard and just could not get it as he was flaring around scared loosing more and more time and air so my sister grabbed a blanket from the car and got the blanket on top of him and she held him wile I pulled the jar ! She pulled on him as I pulled the jar and finally we get it off !! Yay 😀 then as a thank you HE SPRAYS 🤢 my sister takes off towards the car and I throw the jar and run then run back to get the jar cause dah can’t leave it what if he gets stuck again or another animal gets stuck so I run to the car with the jar and we get the heck out of there we are both chocking and gagging and my sister realizes In the heat of the moment she threw the blanket that he sprayed IN THE BACK SEAT!! LOL so we roll down the window and throw it out by a trash can at the gas station that was just over the hill from the skunk lol then we drive to the nearest car wash and we both jump out of the car taking off as many layers of clothes as we can lol I’m coughing and laughing cause she coughing and throwing up lol man oh man then we drove over to my moms to throw the clothes in the wash and get clean clothes on ( could not bring smell home to baby lol ) then we had to vacuum the car and spray it with stuff and put vacuum dust on the seats and vacuum it off lol needless to say I DONT miss late night drives enough to do that twice haha I’ll stay in for now on ! Haha

And I realize most people would just drove away and say hell no it’s a skunk let it figure it out on it’s own or die who cares BUT not us we could not let the poor thing suffer it’s a living creature and needed our help and we New we could end up sprayed but that did not matter the poor thing was suffering and we did not care to think of what could happen we just New we needed to help him ! so it is a happy ending a very smelly happy ending haha