Can’t let lack of sleep take over when your annoyed


Ian so happy I thought before I spoke this morning when I was over tired and my husband pissed me off.

I wake up with the baby every night because I’m a stay at home mom and so I can take naps and because I want him to be well rested because he works with machines during the day. But nights like last night I hope he takes the lead and gets her so I can sleep but he sleeps like the dead so I usually don’t complain plus until recently I was only breastfeeding so it didn’t make since for him to get up BUT last night my girl got up at 1:30 didn’t go back to sleep till 3 then woke up at 4:30.

I had a headache and was so tired but I get up and go get her a bottle wel when I walk out of the kitchen he is up and went to check something he was making on a 3D printer then goes and lays back down while I change her and start feeding her my thought was “this mother***, is he serious” then he rubs my back a min and goes back to sleep in the meantime she falls back asleep but wakes up 5 mins later. I was so mad at him because I felt like he could have helped but I didn’t say anything because I was like I’m over tired I don’t wanna say something out of that.

My mom ended up taking her because she was awake and let me sleep.

Well flash forward 3 hours and they both let me sleep and he went to Dunkin so I woke up with tea and breakfast.