Don't ever lose hope!!


After an year and a half of being told everything is fine with us, we switched doctors. Then we had an HSG that wasn't what we hoped or expected. A blocked tube. So we started a new plan. Letrozole and metformin to help ramp up ovulation, and progesterone bc my levels were borderline 8 rounds of letrozole we did with no luck. We were getting impatient, so then Dr added Gonal-F injections, and trigger shots after follicle scans. 2 rounds with no luck. So our dr decides to up the dose of Gonal-F, and we find out we need to have at least 3 failed IUIs before our insurance will allow <a href="">IVF</a>. So we decide let's get them out of the way sooner rather than later. Maybe we can finally be pregnant by Christmas. So we do our first <a href="">IUI</a> with the new higher dose of Gonal-F. We figure if our timed intercourse hasn't worked this <a href="">IUI</a> won't either, but we have to get them out of the way. Then after the dreaded TWW, I prepare for my period, but it doesn't show. I wait a few more days, and nothing yet. I finally take a test Friday evening (after 3 days of no period) and Bam!! BFP!! Almost immediately!! I couldn't believe it!! So to those still waiting, keep praying and keep pushing forward!! Miracles can happen!!