It's still an announcement...


So, after being together 4 years and married for 8 months, we finally decided to start ttc. This comes after a rough week of a not so great diagnosis from my doctor of pcos, uterine polyps, and possible cancer in the future due to high hormone levels, and genetic cancer in my family. (My gyn is a very straight shooter. Shes not gonna bs you or beat around the bush. I asked questions and she answered them honestly.) She recommended, if we were ready, to start trying for kids as I may not be able to have them if we wait 5 to 7 years like our original plan. After nearly a week of strong deliberation, looking into finances of having a child, and the health matters we both will need to get in order, we decided it's for the best for us to ttc now instead of wait and not be able to have kids. Though we know its going to be tough and a long road, we are on it together and we are so excited to be starting the next chapter of our life together. I married the most amazing man in the world.