Maybe Bi

So. I think I might be bisexual?? For years I hadn't thought of this, but lately its been on my mind.

I'm 21, a couple months away from being 22, and I have a 10 m.o kiddo. I'm still in a relationship with my kids dad, but I've been looking at some women differently. It started as me playfully saying to my bf "I'd so touch her butt" about the woman helping us at the auto sales place, then commenting about another woman a week or two later.

When I was [around] 16 I lived with my best friend and her family. We were super cose. I knew she was bi, and at the time I felt platonic about our relationship, looking back on it I can now see that our relationship was kind of confusing. And my now best friend, she lives on the other side of the states, but I want to be with her.. I'm pathetically jealous that in the year or two that we lost contact she came out and got a girlfriend. So like. I feel like I've lowkey always known that I'm not JUST into men, but I've never been with a woman, and I'm kinda too scared to.

I don't know.