
So my daughter had to use the bathroom, and my boyfriend stepped out so that my neice and her could go, when i told my daughter to go because she had to pee and if she doesnt go she will just pee her pants, she was like no cause he is in there im like no hes not just go potty she kept saying no, so i walked her to the bathroom and im like see if you would just listen to me we wouldn't have problems and my boyfriend was like stop acting like a friend and be a mom because i told my daughter to just listen to me instead of telling me no. I was like whatever and he like oh thats why were just friends. Because i try to teach my kid right or wrong ? Im not gonna have my daughter being a disrespectful smart ass who thinks she can tell me no all the time and not listen to me at all.. Im pregnant with his baby and when he says thats why were just friends it gives me the urge to just leave his ass i already have major hormones and ive had morning sickness lately and quit my job working in the heat to find something inside. since then he expects for me to buy him shit and cant spair 1.00 when he makes 3xs more than i do.