EBF food allergies from mom? HELP!


I'm at a loss here. My 17w baby girl has always had liquid, mucusy, blowout diarrhea. It's at most 2 times a day and it literally blows out of the diapers every damn time!

Talked to the pediatrician about it and she said the most common would be an allergy to a protein that is found in most dairies and to test it, go without any dairy for 2 weeks and her poop should get more solid/pastey by then end of the two weeks. Well I did that and no change.

Again I called and they said it is possible it's another allergen but as long as shes acting normal, they will wait to see her, which I'm find with because she is totally normal.

Anyone else have this with their EBF babes and found out what it is??? I'm hoping its not a wheat allergy but that is on the list and I eat loads of food with wheat in it 😵