“Crazy baby mamas”

I see a lot of “crazy baby mama” posts on here. Sometimes I wonder thou if the new women ever thinks that craziness came from somewhere, maybe even your now SO or husband, made her a little crazy ??

I only ask because my so and I met while he was going through a divorce. Shortly after she knew we were together but was okay. When she find out we got married two yrs later she changed and stopped all communication although they have a son together.. I never called her crazy but I thought why would she with hold his son, or just end communication like that and that she needs to mature and get over the past....

The older I’ve gotten and the longer I’ve been with my husband although he is a lovely man, I can somewhat understand how she feels.. being broken is a understatement: I’ve come to realize, although she left and moved to her home state, she did it hoping it will scare him to changing. He had an affair on her with someone but they were trying to move forward from it. She tried to move on from the affair but was too hurt, probably because he didn’t do much to make her feel secure again. She thought moving out will make him change, Instead he didn’t change and started looking elsewhere. I think even when she “filed for divorce” she probably was more so threatening so he could get his act together but instead he just agree to it. So she never wanted a divorce. Him and I started dating right away.. I know now that it probably tore her to pieces. I was so young and naive that I actually believed that’s what she wanted and him too. He was her everything..

Him and I got to travel the world, and I know she saw that. We have issues like any relationship but she doesn’t see that, probably only see what I post on social media. I travel for work and promote myself that way. Anyway I put myself in her shoes many times, although my husband says she is crazy, I don’t think she is crazy at all. And honestly sometimes I say the way i love my husband and have poured my heart and soul into our him, if he moved on so easily, id probably end up broken for a long time... maybe even disappear go live in some island never to have any contact with him.. I believe my husband broke his ex wife and in return she has totally shut down.. I know now that she really loved him and never wanted things to end. He is the one who didn’t want her therefore didn’t try to fix things.: not only that but he dragged out the whole situation for so long instead of being innocent that he isn’t happy and wants to leave.. that itself can end up ruining a person than the cold truth.. he hasn’t seen his son in 7 yrs. there is no communication. Every woman handles this stuff differently. Some are just too hurt to cope with the new woman around... the things people go through can really change who they were before for the better or worse. And this is why I’d never call another woman crazy. Because if you look close enough your SO has something to do with it.


Why he didn’t fight I know for one was due to unemployment and depression, he served in war. For a long time he was not employed, the traveling we have done was mostly under my money, I have to travel for work.. it’s now that he is getting his life together and says he will fight for his son. I think when she moved he just gave up..