Proud Mama Moment.

Jordan • 21, Married, Mama of girls👑

A little back story I have an 18 month old daughter and one due in September. My daughter has been cosleeping with us since about 10/11 months old due to her waking every two hours despite being night weened. Well all my pregnancy I have been dreading the transition to her own bed and own room. Well being that I’m 32 weeks we put into high gear and redid her room last weekend and gave her a big girl room with a toddler bed, her books and stuffed toys. And decided to start the transition. I was expecting it to be a nightmare like when she was younger. So I spent one weekend getting her to sleep alone in her DockATot, and then put her in her own room last night and she slept through the night no issues nothing, even woke up and just sat in her bed waiting for me didn’t even cry. Put her down again to night and no problems again. I’m so shocked at how easy this was. Although I’m sad at the same time because I’ll miss my night time snugs but I can’t have her being woken up by a newborn either. Just a short brag.