This is mad stupid .


So I have been at a camp program thing for my school for about a week and one night a friend of mine ran into the school building and said two girls in our grade level (not saying names) were jumping a 9th grader. A NINTH GRADER . we’re in 11th and they over here jumping a NINTH GRADER. So I get my ass up and follow her to go see the fight and hell nah me and my friend pull the two girls back and then they start hitting us. And just btw , no teachers ANYWHERE to be seen . So now it’s basically a huge fight and the ninth grader runs to go get a teacher and guess what . I GOT KICKED OUT OF THAT SCHOOL . They said sum about “retaliation to defend themselves” like WTF I was defending not only myself but the ninth grader that was getting beat up. school is a whole mf joke 👎 and on top of that my mom is mad at me . she said she doesn’t care who started it or what was happening and that I should not have gotten involved like sorry mom but who tf do you think you raising ????? I’m not about to let something like that happen .