A step moms honest feelings....

Sometimes I feel like I made a mistake marrying my husband. He had a child before me and I was never comfortable being with someone who had a child. My feelings were always the same until I met my now husband. Fast forward 4 almost five years later and I’m having negative feelings toward his son. I don’t want to be around him and I don’t want him around our family. I’m trying my best to work on this. I really am but sometimes it just feels invasive. I wish it were just me my husband and my son sometime and I know that it’s horrible and selfish but that’s my honest feelings. Now we will be having full custody and I fear my marriage will take a hit because it will be such a major adjustment. I don’t want that but I feel it had the potential to tear our family apart just based off of certain circumstances that I will not name. I am working towards a more positive mindset.