
Hello ladies I had to take cytotec for a blighted ovum and I CANNOT BELIEVE THE SEVERE PAIN!

So I know that it’s supposed to be like what contractions are but THE PAIN FOR ME WAS UNBEARABLE! I almost passed out I had taken a pain med and NOTHING! No pain relief at all! I was using a heating pad and I just was in so much pain I ended up in the ER and they just gave me stronger pain meds. I just want to know how the heck you ladies went thru this without passing out or having a panic attack?! I don’t have children so I’ve never gone thru this pain and I’m so traumatized now. How many times did you have to take the meds? Or did you take it once and everything just started coming out? I have bleeding and clots coming out I just don’t want to go thru pain anymore 😭😭😭😭😭 please don’t judge me I know to some of you I’m just a big baby but I honestly thought I had a high pain tolerance until now!