All negative until 13 dpo... there’s hope!


I just wanted to share my, faint line at 13 dpo, success story. I know what it’s like to think you see something, only to have 99% of people in the poll say they don’t 😭 And what it’s like to lose hope after seeing a stark negative test at 9, 10, 11, 12 dpo. “Surely something would pop up by now if I were. I see so many posts with strong positives by 10 dpo!” That’s what I thought too. And for 13 years that sadly was the case. But then, one day, at 13 dpo I saw a faint faint line. One that a lot of people didn’t think was there. But thankfully it slowly got darker.

I think I implanted at 8-9 dpo, and it took 4-5 days to register on a test. Which is totally normal. HCG doubles every 48 hours. So let’s say your HCG goes to a 2, 1 day after implantation. It would take two more days to jump to a 4, and two more to get to an 8... enough to register on a test. So that’s 5 days after implantation before it shows up on a test. I think for a lot of women their HCG rises quickly, registering much earlier. Or they may have implanted earlier (5-6 dpo). But for some women, like myself, HCG simply doubles every 48 hours like it’s supposed to.

I just wanted to give a little hope to anyone out there in the two week wait right now. Here’s my first, very faint lines. The top two are 13 dpo. And the bottom Walmart test was 14 dpo. Still so faint! Finally at 15 dpo they were dark enough to see without squinting.