So much spit up


I know that babies spit up... a lot... but I’m starting to wonder if there isn’t something else going on with my LO. He had a tongue tie cut a little over a week ago and since then he has been nursing better but has also been spitting up more. It doesn’t seem to bother him and he doesn’t seem to strain or anything when it happens. In the last few days I’ve noticed that it seems like he is sucking a good bit of air when nursing which he wasn’t doing before. I’ve tried different positions and making sure his latch is good but nothing is helping. I just nursed him for maybe 10 minutes and as soon as he unpatched he spit up and it seemed a little forceful but again, he didn’t seem bothered by it at all. I’m wondering if he is getting more milk now after his tongue was clipped or if he is getting too much too fast or if maybe my diet needs to be adjusted. I also try to burp him every so often while nursing. We have a weight check on Thursday with his pediatrician so I plan on asking him about it also but wanted to see if anyone had some experience with this.