Family drama!

***(am i an ass?)***

So this is crazy and has been going on for years. My sis-inlaw gave birth to her daughter 4y ago. And I ended up getting pregnant the same month she gave birth, not intentionally but hey 🤷‍♀️ so for years shes been going off and non stop about how I "stole her thunder" and all this shit and saying if I got pregnant after her again and stole her thunder she would be pissed. 🙄🙄 my partner and I decided we wanted to have another one back in may. So I told her to avoid any bs just incase (she was on Mirena). She got it removed in june. Last night she asked her brother when we were going to have a baby, he told her we have an appointment Tuesday to find out. And she drops that shes pregnant.. I'm happy for her because shes been trying for awhile but stopped, I just dont want to deal with having a baby and her now. Because I know shes gunna be a twat about it.. and I'm really not trying to listen to her bitch about me stealing her thunder AGAIN..