Working mamas: What does your pump schedule look like?



I'm due with #2 in December. With my first, I had a hard time figuring out how to get maximum output from pumping while not "stealing" milk for nursing. I will try to describe the situation because I'd like to improve it next time.

I'd wake up at 5:30 and pump. This was my biggest output of the day.

LO would wake up around 6:30 and I'd nurse. Then I'd go to work.

Pump twice at work, around 9:00 and 1:00.

I'd pick up LO from daycare at 4:00, we'd get home and usually nurse.

Nurse again before bed, around 6:00.

I'd pump before I went to bed around 9:30.

Now the tricky part is, I think she wasn't quite getting enough milk from that first morning feed. She was sleeping 12 hours through the night but started waking up again once a night shortly after I returned to work. I think this was to get more milk but didn't realize it at the time. At her 6 month appointment her doctor said we could try offering a pacifier when she wakes to see if she drops it, and she did. But then I started noticing a drop in supply. My first pump wasn't as big and I didn't really get engorged overnight anymore. My supply never recovered even though I worked myself crazy trying to boost it. Also, she didn't gain any weight between 6 and 9 months. We corrected it right away and she's always been quite chonky but I've carried a lot of guilt ever since. I definitely learned that I am not going to cut that feed if the same thing happens again. But I'm wondering if there's a way to still nurse and pump in the morning while keeping everyone happy. Any thoughts? I will not have a pump I can use in the car.

Thanks so much!