Do you think this is weird??

I just saw this YouTube video of a mom nursing her 3 year old. Usually I think the child is way too old but if that’s the moms choice then so be it. BUT with this particular video the child was like using the moms boobs as a pacifier and like playing with them so it was kind of weird and gross to me. The YouTube channel is April C. and the video is called “3 years old Breastfeeding!!! April and Illy”. I would like people to watch the video and let me know your thoughts on it because personally I find that particular video disturbing.

Disclaimer: I just wanna put out there that I did say that I do think 3 is too old but I don’t judge moms who choose to do it but THAT PARTICULAR video I do find disturbing

Edit: Once again, I’m not judging the child’s age or the fact that some things mentioned may be considered normal. Watch the video to know what I mean and then let me know if that’s normal or if I’m just tripping

My son rubs my boobs (outside of shirt) when he’s tired and he drinks regular milk so I’m not judging that either. Just THAT video seems weird to me