Help with In-Laws


Need opinions on this dilemma I’m having-

Whenever I go to my In-laws house as soon as I walk in the door they take my baby (only 7 weeks) literally out of my hands. Sometimes they acknowledge me, sometimes they don’t. But most of the time they don’t ask if they can hold her. Then when it comes to dinner time I will say “let me take her and you eat dinner” and they will say no. I feel rude having them hold her when they have cooked a big meal for everyone but I will say 3 or 4 times “please you can hold her after, let me just have her back for a bit” and they will absolutely not listen. Then my mother in law will take her into another room while the rest of us eat. It makes me so so anxious having her out of the room, and I feel like I have to speed eat dinner so I can go grab her. I realize logically this is a silly problem- they obviously just love her a lot. But at the same time I feel disrespected in a way and like I’m not being heard. And honestly I just feel uncomfortable having them literally take her from me. So do I confront them about this? Or do I let it go?

Also this is my first child and I’m dealing with some PPD so that’s not helping.