Infantile spasms


So yesterday my daughter started having these weird spasms. She gets tight and her arms go out. It only lasts a second but I'm freaking out. Went to the ER last night and they said it was a fencing reflex. Something just doesn't feel right to me. I don't think that's what it is. I took a video of her doing it and I'm going to her pediatrician today. Hopefully I get some answers and hopefully they are good ones.

UPDATE! We got home yesterday after being in the hospital all night. My pediatrician had us call a neurologist and they had us come in right away for a video EEG. It was a 24 hour test that felt like forever! So from the data they gathered she was not having any seizure activity. THANK GOD! They think maybe it's just her going through some changes and learning new things. BUT they do have us coming back in 2 weeks to repeat the test because in extremely rare cases the body movements start before the brain activity. The doctor said she has never seen it in the 15 years she has been doing this but you can never be too safe so hopefully everything turns out well!