10 Week Old Won’t Sleep At Night


It’s so disheartening to read everyone’s posts about their babies sleeping through the night, and all the articles that say, “congratulations, you should be noticing that baby is now able to sleep for 4-5 hour stretches at night!” No. Baby is barely sleeping, and I have no idea how I’m going to function when I go back to work in two weeks. Why won’t my baby sleep? He’s about 12-13 pounds and he’s on formula. He takes 2.5-4 oz every three hours during the day. He has an established bedtime routine and drinks 4-5 oz at night before bed....but then he’s up every 2 (if I’m lucky, three hours), for milk. I’ve noticed that he’ll only drink 2-3 ounces at these feedings before dozing back off into a deep sleep. I’ve tried reswaddling him, giving him the pacifier, and waiting to see if he can soothe himself back to sleep...but no. He’s determined to steal away the little bit of sleep I’m begging for. What am I doing wrong? 😩