Advice please!


So I primarily nurse my daughter. She now eats two to three meals of solid food on top of her normal nursing schedule. I have tried giving her water in sippy cups and even just her bottle. She just doesn't seem interested and spits it out. I feel like she is getting constipated because of this. I have been trying to give her food with fiber and yogurt for probiotics.

Should I be worried? I mean I'm obviously not giving up on the sippy cup, I know it takes time, but I'm worried about her getting water now. It's she getting enough with nursing?

Also, is giving her a sippy cup with a straw bad? I thought I read it's not good for their teeth? Am I totally making that up? Lol. I've tried the munchkin 360 which is way too advanced. We will go back to that when she's about a year. I've tried a nubby with the no spill spout and even a cheap Ikea one. She just wants to chew on those.