Mommy fund? Is it wrong? Am I stupid here?

A mix of a relationship question and financial question, hoping some other mamas have some advice!

Long story short: my husbands a lil shady maybe do I need to have some money saved just for me?

I’m a stay at home mom to a 15m old and have no income of my own. I don’t have my own bank account, or my own savings. My husband has his own bank account and puts money in the joint account for me to pay bills/grocery shop/sometimes buy myself a little something. A few other moms/women I respect have suggested that I need to have a little savings of my own because “you just never know”. I feel like it would be wrong to hide this from my husband, but telling him about it would most definitely mean he wouldn’t allow it.

We’ve had some issues lately and I’m not planning on leaving him, because I have no money of my own and no degree, and I do love him. I recently found out he was speaking to his ex that I asked him to never speak to again. I told him to delete her number. That’s not a typical thing I would do, and I think it was wrong and immature of me. I didn’t ban him from having female friends or anything just totally over the top, I just didn’t want him to speak to this one particular woman. When we were dating he was shady about his friendship with her, invited her to a couple of his family dinners instead of me, just little things that made me feel very insecure. He compared me more than once to her, and it’s well known that his family liked her more than me. That was close to 2 years ago now, but about 6 months ago he called me right after I had left town with our son to ask if he could go to lunch with her. I had told him before I didn’t want him to see her anymore. I overreacted and told him no absolutely not and that he needed to delete her number. And he said he would. He didn’t and apparently they had a brief conversation a few months ago and she asked him if he thought things had turned out the way they should have with them breaking up and him marrying me. I told him I was disappointed that he would contact her and he got SO ANGRY at me. I didn’t get upset, I didn’t overreact, I simply told him it was disappointing that he deceived me and went behind my back. Well he apologizes and says we should just forget it. I’m trying to be kinder and more forgiving so I am trying to let this go, but I feel like his friendship with his ex was prioritized above my feelings and our marriage. I am insecure about their friendship. And instead of him considering that he did something he knew would make me upset and lied to me about it. I’ve prioritized him above everything and would never do something that would make him feel insecure. I feel like I’ve been taken for granted.

such a long post I’m sorry! I don’t have anyone to talk to about this and I don’t know how I should feel or what I should do. PLEASE give me some advice ladies