You do find you’re real friends..


I just need a minute to vent.

Some of you ladies may have actually read a previous post I made about a really close friend of mine not coming to my baby shower, that I rescheduled twice to accommodate her schedule and then she told me she still couldn’t come because she was instead going to her baby daddies family reunion. Anyway, so my shower is on the 27th. She was just in Vegas last week, which is no kidding 5 hours away from me... & she had the audacity to tell me that it would be too hard to travel to see me before my baby shower.. yet she was in Vegas... the week before my shower? THEN!!! I had another really close friend of mine text me a few days ago saying she can’t make my shower because she’s changing jobs and she can’t miss her first week of work. I totally support this, work is very important and I’d never be upset about anyone putting that first... except she just posted on Facebook that she is on her way to LA for her 2 week vacation. Guys I’m so HEATED right now.

The first girl, I planned & paid for her baby shower. I called out of work to meet her at the hospital for many scares during her pregnancy. I rescheduled my shower not once, but twice for her... and this is what she does?????

The second girl, i have given the clothes off my back for. I let her live in my home rent free for months until she got back on her feet. I paid her car payment and phone bill a few times. I was there for her during every court date when her sister was murdered. And she can’t even be honest about why she’s not coming to my shower??????

Lesson learned. Your friends really do change when you’re having a baby & you 100% cannot expect them to do the same for you as you’ve done for them.