First Time And Over Thinking!!! (Need of advice)

Hi there!! Right off the back I’m going to say I adore, love and respect my partner so I don’t have regrets however I have been probably overthinking from hearing many speculations that has me incredibly worried.

Yesterday (July 15th) we slept together for the first time. Safe sex!! Using a condom he ejaculated inside me. However I was contemplating if I should consider taking the pill just to be completely safe because the app says yesterday and today I’m in high fertility. But I have a few questions and hoping to get some answers.

1. After sex is very small amounts of blood and lower stomach discomfort normal?

2. Should I truly consider getting the pill? (I live near a Planned Parent hood) and how soon should I to ensure that it will be in affect? And is Plan B a good option?

3. What exactly are the benefits and certain complications with taking the pill?

Any advice, even hearing about other experiences, would be very very much appreciated thank you so much have a blessed day.(Also my period doesn’t start until the next 14 days and the wait is going to kill me)