
y🤦‍♀️ • Boy mom x2 +a bonus boy , expecting our first girl🥳

How long after hard core nesting did you have your little?

My first i dont remember ever nesting, my 2nd i went crwzy a few days before i had him.

And this 3rd one, i woke up thos morning and havent stopped organizing and cleaning absolutely every single thing in my house! I literally took eberything out of the top shelf of every closet and organized it and moved it so theres nothing there anymore, ive cauggt up on all bedding, and clothing laundry, ive cleaned my room spotless, organized babies druff made her hed, set up her bassinet, set up her change area, cleaned up the other kids rooms, vacuuming everything, working on the kitchen. Like full blown crazy person nesting.