Period symptoms just vanished?!

Okay so I’m kind of freaking out for the first time since I’ve been on birth control and i feel like I’m probably crazy😅 but still. I’ve officially on my 7-day sugar pill week (day 2) of my 3rd pack of Sprintec, and i literally have NO symptoms of my period starting. Before i started the pill my symptoms before i would start were so apparent and i could feel them a week before. After i started, the symptoms eased up but i could still feel them slightly, like the slight cramps before i started and stuff, but this month i literally have NONE?! My bf and i always use condoms even though I’m on the pill bc i had a pregnancy scare in January when i wasn’t on the pill and we weren’t protected. He also pulls out with the condom on bc that scare made us both freak out. But could i still be pregnant somehow or is it normal to have your period symptoms just like stop and not know exactly when it’ll start? The past few months on the pill I’ve gotten it on the second day of the sugar pill week but today is that day and i feel nothing I’m freaking out a little...